Sasktel International - Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Sasktel International
1 Review
Sasktel International255 22 2601564
Sasktel International255 22 2601564
I have never had a worse customer service experience than with the lovely representatives of SaskTel. Not only do they not listen to you, they actually hang up on you while you are still talking. Nevermind actually trying to help resolve the situation, nevermind actually thinking about the problem. Who is getting paid to act like this to the very people who are paying their salaries? Maybe they should rethink their attitudes a little bit, regardless of how tiring or long a Monday may seem... you should never ever hang up on a customer. That's the cardinal rule of any business. Oh, I guess that's what lack of competition does to a corporation? Completely start pushing the customers around? This probably won't even get posted due to so called regulations (no you can't say this in a review posting, so on...), gotta love corporations. It's hard to actually critique a company and say it's the worst in all of North America, but this is definitely it.
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