Tanzania Building Agency - Mwanza
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Company name
Tanzania Building Agency
Sokoine Drive Plot No. 2, P.O. Box: 9542, Mwanza, Tanzania
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Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
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Company description
Tanzania Buildings Agency (TBA) is the government’s Executive Agency under the Ministry of Works (MoW) with a primary mandate of providing quality accommodation to Government and public servants as well as building consultancy services to the Government. The Agency was established in May 2002 in accordance with the Executive Agencies Act No. 30 of 1997 as a transformation of the Building Department (BD) within the Ministry of Works (formerly known as the Ministry of Infrastructure Development).
The history of the Building Department dates back to 1969 when it was formed in the Ministry of Works by virtue of the constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. The department’s functions included construction and maintenance of government buildings as well as provision of electrical
In 1992, the BD was given another role of allocating grade A government houses; a function that was being performed by the Central Establishment. Consequently, grade A and B housing allocation committees were merged to form the estate section in the BD. In 1994, the Mramba Commission, which was formed to review operational affairs of the Government and suggest ways of minimizing Government expenditure, recommended that the BD be transformed into a commercial Agency in order to minimize the use of Government resources. In the following year, BD started to operate commercially by charging rent to public servants housed in Government houses and fees to consultancy services provided to the Government.
TBA prepared its first five–year strategic plan after its commissioning in 2002 which was incorporated in the TBA Establishment Order of 2003. In late 2004 when reviewing the plan, the Ministerial Advisory Board (MAB) advised the management to commission a team of experts to facilitate the process of improving and updating the document (a revised Strategic Plan for 2002–2007). The second review of TBA 2002 – 2007 strategic plan was carried out in December 2006 and a new strategy (2007–2012) was rolled out in 2007.
TBA faced a number of challenges during implementation of the second strategic plan including inadequate financial and human resources and lack of organizational capacity to execute on strategies. Therefore, the current strategic plan focuses on strengthening strategic execution capability and strategies that will ensure long term sustainability of the Agency. Further, the plan incorporates some of the strategies from the previous strategic plan which are still relevant given the current environment of TBA and the needs of our customers.
The history of the Building Department dates back to 1969 when it was formed in the Ministry of Works by virtue of the constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. The department’s functions included construction and maintenance of government buildings as well as provision of electrical
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and building consultancy services to the government. The department was also responsible for the allocation of grade B Government houses to public servants.In 1992, the BD was given another role of allocating grade A government houses; a function that was being performed by the Central Establishment. Consequently, grade A and B housing allocation committees were merged to form the estate section in the BD. In 1994, the Mramba Commission, which was formed to review operational affairs of the Government and suggest ways of minimizing Government expenditure, recommended that the BD be transformed into a commercial Agency in order to minimize the use of Government resources. In the following year, BD started to operate commercially by charging rent to public servants housed in Government houses and fees to consultancy services provided to the Government.
TBA prepared its first five–year strategic plan after its commissioning in 2002 which was incorporated in the TBA Establishment Order of 2003. In late 2004 when reviewing the plan, the Ministerial Advisory Board (MAB) advised the management to commission a team of experts to facilitate the process of improving and updating the document (a revised Strategic Plan for 2002–2007). The second review of TBA 2002 – 2007 strategic plan was carried out in December 2006 and a new strategy (2007–2012) was rolled out in 2007.
TBA faced a number of challenges during implementation of the second strategic plan including inadequate financial and human resources and lack of organizational capacity to execute on strategies. Therefore, the current strategic plan focuses on strengthening strategic execution capability and strategies that will ensure long term sustainability of the Agency. Further, the plan incorporates some of the strategies from the previous strategic plan which are still relevant given the current environment of TBA and the needs of our customers.
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If I request for practical field at TBA mwanza as a first year student, how may I get the feedback until am studied at mbeya?
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