Chikanda Safaris & Adventure - Mbeya, Tanzania

Chikanda Safaris & Adventure
Chikanda Safaris & Adventure
Chikanda Safaris & Adventure
Chikanda Safaris & Adventure
  • Verified
  • +9Years
    With Us
Company name
Chikanda Safaris & Adventure
475 MBEYA, Tanzania
Contact number
Working hours
  • Monday: 08:00am - 04:00pm
  • Tuesday: 08:00am - 04:00pm
  • Wednesday: 08:00am - 04:00pm
  • Thursday: 08:00am - 04:00pm
  • Friday: 08:00am - 04:00pm
  • Saturday: 08:00am - 03:00pm
  • Sunday: Closed
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Company description
We people of Uyole Mbeya we are delighted to welcome you to the green city of Tanzania with its marvelous lake Ngozi where you can experience the real safwa and nyakyusa culture and enjoy tropical vegetation. Lake Ngozi crater is roughly 15 km southeast of the city of Mbeya, and 38 km South of Mbeya, in the route of Mount Rungwe and Lake Nyasa and 4.3km from the Main road in Kasanga villages. By your spare time you will stay with us for the very unique cultural tour, where you will experience traditional and customs of the local communities

There are different tour programs offered by Uyole Cultural Tourism enterprises
Tours on offer includes.
-Hiking in Poroto Ridge Nature Reserve Mountains and Lake Ngozi
-A visit to the Safwa villages around
-Participation in culture and Safwa  
Show more tradition dances “Mbeta”
-Mountain trekking at Loleza and Kawetile lift valley view
-Storry telling
-Kitulo national park tour
-Nature walking safari
-Local beer brew
Story Telling
You will meet people of different ages and get an opportunity to interact. Elder people “Wazee” without missing the Safwa chiefs who will tell you stories about the Safwa people, their origin, traditions and other things such as the tribal war.

Local Beer brew
Here you will get to learn all the procedures for making local beer “komoni, dadii and chimpumu” as someone will be demonstrating the materials and utensils used to prepare the local bear you will appreciate fantastic test of the beer which is served in a traditional calabash and you can drink it by using local straw called kinfwefwe

Nature walking safari
Discover wonders of natural environment through outdoor recreations for restoration of one’s well being though nature walking tour in and around Mbeya region with amazing landscapes, scenery, and vegetation

Traditional Dance
While you’re enjoying your stay in Mbeya you will experience a Safwa dance which is performed by a group of men and women performing songs for different occasions such as welcoming guests, ceremonial dances and crop harvesting songs.


Lake Ngozi safari
On your exploring the world you will discover an exciting sight of outstanding natural beauty and superb hiking location, where you can find different species of flora and fauna such as monkey and many birds species, while hiking you will pass on Mporoto Ridge forest reserve; the forest has an endemic three horned chameleon (chameleon fuelleborni) and the area is covered by magnificent highland forest, beautiful flowers, huge trees, grassland and bamboo trees that make the visit of this place a truly unique experience.

Mountains climbing and trekking adventure
Enjoy the adventure experience through energetic activities by reaching the highest peaks of famous mountains and hills that includes Loleza and Kawetire where the highest truck road is found then Poroto Mountains. Being there you will enjoy the good view of the Great Lift Valley and the city.

Kitulo national park tour

Walking across the grasslands to watch birds, wildflowers and hill climbing on the neighboring ranges a half day hike from the park across the Livingstone mountains leads to the sumptuous Matema beach on Lake Nyasa.

Other tours includes: Farm activities, Cycling, A visit to the Chief of safwa people, A visit to the local extraction of building materials,

How to get there:
There are several ways used to get in Mbeya region such as through the use of Songwe international airport, TAZARA railway line and Dar es Salaam to Malawi and Zambia Highway. All transport systems may be used on the way from Dar es Salaam. Then travelers shall spend 3hrs from the airport, 1hr from TAZARA Station and 40min from the Bus station to the Destination.

Volunteer Programme
Uyole cultural tourism receives and arranges for volunteers who are interested to work in health and educational sectors around their areas.


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