National Social Security Fund (NSSF) - Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
1 Review
National Social Security Fund (NSSF)P.O.Box 1322, Benjamin Mkapa Pension Towers, Azikiwe St+255 22 2163400, +255 22 216340019
- Verified
Company name
National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
P.O.Box 1322, Benjamin Mkapa Pension Towers, Azikiwe St, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Contact number
Mobile phone
+255 22 2200037
Website address
Establishment year 1965
E-mail address
Company description
The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) was established by the Act of Parliament No. 28 of 1997 to replace the defunct National Provident Fund (NPF). NSSF is a compulsory scheme providing a wider range of benefits which are based on internationally accepted standards.
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National Social Security Fund (NSSF)P.O.Box 1322, Benjamin Mkapa Pension Towers, Azikiwe St+255 22 2163400, +255 22 216340019
I am very dissatisfied with NSSF services. I am being pushed around for the last 3 months, since I lodged claims for my benefits on 19 March, 2015. However to date, I have yet to be paid and no one has taken the responsibility, despite regular follow up.
There is every evidence of corruption, mismanagement, laissez faire as well as lack of accountability.
There is every evidence of corruption, mismanagement, laissez faire as well as lack of accountability.
Questions & Answers
Can we consider the contribution to NSSF (both from employee and employer) as a savings potential for the employee? Is this a savings component in one's salary?
What is the deadline of submission of contributions?
Verified Business
The accuracy of the company profile for National Social Security Fund (NSSF) is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator.
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