National Housing Coporation - Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
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National Housing Coporation
Kambarage House , 6 Ufukoni Street, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
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Company description
The current National Housing Corporation is the outcome of the decision of the Government to dissolve the Register of building (RoB) through Act of Parliament No.2 of 1990, which vested its responsibilities with the NHC. The former NHC was established by Act of Parliament No.45 of 1962, while RoB was established by Act No.13 of 1971.
NHC is under the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Settlements Development. The Ministry is represented by the Board of Directors which is responsible for the corporate policies and strategies. The day to day management of NHC’s business is overseen by the Director General who is responsible to the Board of Directors. Effective from July, 1994, the Corporation’s portfolios have been divided into profit centers which are income generating and self-sustaining
NHC is under the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Settlements Development. The Ministry is represented by the Board of Directors which is responsible for the corporate policies and strategies. The day to day management of NHC’s business is overseen by the Director General who is responsible to the Board of Directors. Effective from July, 1994, the Corporation’s portfolios have been divided into profit centers which are income generating and self-sustaining
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directorates and cost centers which play a supportive role. This role mandates the NHC to undertake an array of business.Listed in categories
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