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Makumbusho Area, off Bagamoyo Road, Triple A Building, Plot no 45 Block 41, Kinondoni District, P.O. Box 2004, Dar es Salaam -Tanzania
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ALEX BURTONEstablishment year
16-25Registration code
67216VAT registration
40-008950-T E-mail address
Company description
BEYAA TANZANIA LIMITED was officially incorporated by the Registrar of Business Company names on 28th August, 2008 under the Law of the United Republic of Tanzania. Since then the company has been involved in Provision of Fumigation Services all around the country.
Specifically we deal with Controlling and extermination of insects and rodents in private homes, public institutions , warehouses and in the storage Bins, controlling of pests in gardens and farms.
We provide control and extermination of insects and rodents in private homes, public institutions and fields by the use of ultra modern equipment, approved pesticides, insecticides and herbicides which have rapid knock-down with short residual period and clean – out treatment in premises, such as food warehouses, storage
With our mother Earth environmental protection in mind we dedicated to undertake all precautionary measures and to use non-hazardous chemicals and application to non-target organisms.
The company has an experience of over five (5) years doing business and through its experience and good service rendered to the customers the company has successfully attracted several customers in various Governmental Department, Parastatal Organization, International Organization, NGO’s and Private Companies as appeared in the list of our clients.
BEYAA TANZANIA LIMITED is further distinguished from competition due to its credibility, experience, highly competent services and more importantly its sufficient capital, which enable the company to meet the demands of all its customers all year round. Its customers include Government Ministries and Departments, Parastatal Organizations, Diplomatic Missions, Non-Governmental Organizations; Higher Learning Institutions just to mention a few.
Specifically we deal with Controlling and extermination of insects and rodents in private homes, public institutions , warehouses and in the storage Bins, controlling of pests in gardens and farms.
We provide control and extermination of insects and rodents in private homes, public institutions and fields by the use of ultra modern equipment, approved pesticides, insecticides and herbicides which have rapid knock-down with short residual period and clean – out treatment in premises, such as food warehouses, storage
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bins, poultry/livestock and human habits.With our mother Earth environmental protection in mind we dedicated to undertake all precautionary measures and to use non-hazardous chemicals and application to non-target organisms.
The company has an experience of over five (5) years doing business and through its experience and good service rendered to the customers the company has successfully attracted several customers in various Governmental Department, Parastatal Organization, International Organization, NGO’s and Private Companies as appeared in the list of our clients.
BEYAA TANZANIA LIMITED is further distinguished from competition due to its credibility, experience, highly competent services and more importantly its sufficient capital, which enable the company to meet the demands of all its customers all year round. Its customers include Government Ministries and Departments, Parastatal Organizations, Diplomatic Missions, Non-Governmental Organizations; Higher Learning Institutions just to mention a few.
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